1. Comprehensive Support of Tender Procedures
- Development and expert review of a document management system, regulations and rules in order to arrange and carry out tender procedures, including those in compliance with applicable legislation and the accepted practice.
- Development and expert review of tender documentation, technical assignment, technical requirements for tender participants and criteria for tender applications evaluation.
- Ranking tender applications based on evaluation criteria approved by the Customer.
- Participation in competitive negotiations on the side of the Customer.
- Developing a draft contract.
- Supporting the Customer in case of entering in an agreement with contractors.
2. Audit of Project Design, Detailed Design and Cost Estimate Documentation
- Check for the compliance with requirements of technical regulations, GOSTs, SNiPs and applicable RF legislation.
- Checking the correctness and justification of applied technical solutions in order to optimize the project cost by using advanced technical solutions.
3. Project Expert Review
- Expert review of entitling, initial permitting and contractual documentation.
- Analysing the main design solutions, checking design documentation.
- Checking the compliance with design and/or construction schedules, with issuing recommendations for the update of the actual design and/or construction schedule.
- Analysing the project budget and risks of its increase.
- Developing recommendations to optimise works related to project implementation.
- General conclusions on financial and technical feasibility of project implementation.
4. Technical Audit
- Analysing the current state of a power facility, specifying equipment efficiency and reliability indicators.
- Estimating technical and economic feasibility of the investment program.
- Analysing efficiency of personnel operation and facility control systems.
- Developing a forecast of power station key operational parameters.
- Analysing reliability of power station operation and risks related to the state of equipment.
- Analysing fuel supply and transportation system for the power station.
- Analysing a scheme of power distribution and the existing limitations.
5. Environmental Audit
- Checking environmental documentation of the enterprise.
- Detailed inspection of equipment and environmental facilities.
- Assessing negative impact of enterprise equipment on the environment.
- Developing detailed reports with proposals of measures to reduce comprehensive negative impact of the enterprise on the environment.
- Assessing possible environmental risks.
- Developing prospective plans of measures to reduce comprehensive negative impact of the enterprise on the environment.
6. Support of Design Activities and Design Adaptation
- Support of design works, namely meeting the requirements of regulatory documents, laws and regulations, consultations for design documentation development.
- Analysing requirements of regulatory and legal acts.
- Preparing a list of engineering companies included in the list of authorised engineers having experience in the necessary field, specifying technical specialisation.
- Adapting and authorising the necessary design and permit documentation in compliance with legal acts and standards.